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February 2016, № 2 (190)

Mosienko L.V., Hazhgalieva G.H. VALUE SYSTEM OF STUDENT'S IDENTITY FORMATION IN MULTILINGUAL EDUCATIONIn the global world space of polycultures and polylinguistics the role of multilingual education, which provides an opportunity to develop identities, increases. This identity is capable to work well in a multicultural and multiethnic environment and has a great sense of understanding and of respect for another nations and cultures. It is possible to specificate the definition of multilingual training identifying his educational potential. Multilingual education is integral part of humanitarian training of personality and of a willingness to engage in culture's dialog taking into account specificities of native and foreign languages. This is reflection of cultural values, of culture determining behavior on the basis of mutual respect, tolerance and understanding. Compiling the results of the study of russian and international specialists, we have been able to identify approaches defining specific character of multicultural education, such as axiological, culturological and communicative approaches. According to this grounds, we highlighted the components of multilingual training, such as cognitive experience of personality consisting in improving knowledge about achieving, norms of native and international cultures, languages and understanding of cultural diversity; such as the experiences of different kind of activities, including creative activities; such as experiences relating to world, Alien, itself, activity in situations of multicultural and poly-lingual contacts. We produced analysis and allocated the values of multilingual education on basis that it has axiological focus along pedagogical tracks. Self-determination regarding the values of poly-lingual training is process of value identity. This is process of individual development of student reflecting his ascension to the values of multilingual education. This is result expressed in willingness to engage in culture's dialogue, to make responsible choices of objectives and purports with involves personal changes of identity in the treatment of poly-lingual and poly-cultural world, of other people and of real self. Such an interpretation had projected the principles and conditions of value identity of multilingual education. Key words: values of multilingual education, value identity, principles and pedagogical conditions.


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About this article

Authors: Mosienko L.V., Hazhgalieva G.H.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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