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Januaryš2016, №š1š(189)

Petunin O.V. RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS OF VIEWS ON THE PROBLEM OF DOMESTIC TEACHERS COGNITIVE INDEPENDENCE OF PERSONALITYBased on the basic requirements for educationš— to teach to learnš— its main purpose at the present stage of formation of the person becomes capable of self-knowledge. Value orientations in the personality structure of modern man focused on cognitive independence in this regard, the concept of "cognitive independence" takes on a different meaning and requires new approaches to its formation in the educational and learning process. The article is devoted to the formation of a scientific category of "cognitive independence of personality" as a scientific phenomenon. We retrospectively examines the views of Russian, Soviet and modern Russian teachers on the issue of cognitive independence of the individual. The article presents the idea of representatives of a critical and philosophical thought (V.šBelinsky, A.šHerzen, N.šDobrolyubov, N.šOgarev, N.šChernyshevsky), a group of teachers and educators (A.šBeketov, A.šGerd, K.šUshinsky) and other personalities of the XIXšcentury on the subject. The article analyzes the views on the problem of cognitive independence of teachers of the Soviet period (L.šAristova, S.šArchangelsky, J.šBabansky, L.šVilkeev, L.šVyatkin, E.šGolant, M.šDanilov and others.). As a result of this work the author has revealed that cognitive autonomy of the individual was considered an important issue almost throughout the existence of the national education and pedagogy. In the previous era of cognitive independence was seen as a significant condition for the formation of knowledge, abilities and skills of the human variety.Key words: retrospective analysis, cognitive independence, the federal state educational standards.


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2. Aristova, L. Activity teachings student / L. Aristova. — M.: Education, 1968. — 138 p.

3. Archangelsky, S. Lectures on the theory of learning in higher education / S. Archangelsky. — M.: Higher School, 1974. 384 p.

4. Babansky, J. Selected pedagogical works / J. Babansky. — Moscow: Pedagogy, 1989. — 560 p.

5. Beketov, A. Botany course: a guide for university students. Vol. 1-2 / A. Beketov. — SPb., 1867–74.

6. Belinsky, V. Selected pedagogical works / V. Belinsky. — M.: Education, 1982. — 287 p.

7. Blonsky, P. Memory and thinking / Blonskii // Selected psychological works: 2 vol. — Vol. 2. — M.: Education, 1979. — P. 118–340.

8. Budanov, V. Methods of teaching physical geography / V. Budanov. — M.: Uchpedgiz, 1947. — 189 p.

9. Vilkeev, L. Development of cognitive activity and independence of students of evening (shift) schools in the process of learning / L. Vilkeev. — Kazan, 1961. — 74 p.

10. Vsesvjatsky, B. System approach to biology education in high school: a book for teachers / B. Vsesvjatsky. — M.: Education, 1985. — 143 p.

11. Vyatkin, L. Experience in the development of cognitive independence / L. Vyatkin, G. Zhelezovsky // Pedagogy — 1993. — №1. — P. 61–66.

12. Gerdt, A. Selected pedagogical works / A. Gerdt. — M, 1953. — 205 p.

13. Herzen, A. On the upbringing and education / A. Herzen, N. Ogarev. — M.: Education, 1990. — 368 p.

14. Goland, E. On the development of independence and creative activity of students in the learning process / E. Goland // Education cognitive activity and independence of students. — Kazan, 1968. — Vol. 67, Sat. 2(1). — P. 32–44.

15. Danilov, M. Education students' independence and creativity in the learning process / M. Danilov // Soviet pedagogy. — 1961. — №8. — P. 32–42.

16. Dobrolyubov, N. Selected pedagogical works / N. Dobrolyubov. — M.: Education, 1986. — 348 p.

17. Zagvyazinsky, V. Contradictions of the process of learning / V. Zagvyazinsky. — Sverdlovsk, 1972. — 183 p.

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19. Krupskaya, N. Selected Works / ô. Krupskaya. — M.: Politizdat, 1988. — 429 p.

20. Lerner, I. Didactic bases of formation of informative independence of students in the study of the humanities: dis.... Dr. ped. Sciences: 13. 00. 01 / I. Lerner. — M., 1971. — 310 p.

21. Lomonosov, M. On the upbringing and education / M. Lomonosov / comp. T. Butorina. — M.: Education, 1991. — 344 p.

22. Matyushkin, A. Development of creative activity of schoolboys / A. Matyushkin. — M.: Education, 1991. — 155 p.

23. Makhmutov, M. Development of informative activity and independence of pupils at schools of Tatarstan / M. Makhmutov // Owls. pedagogy. — 1963. — №5. — P. 10–19.

24. Mickelson, R. About the independent work of students in the learning process / R. Mickelson. — M., 1940. — 96 p.

25. Natali, V. Natural Sciences at the new school / V. Natali. — M., 1923. — 236 p.

26. Ogarev, N. Selected socio-political and philosophical works / N. Ogarev. — M.: Goslitizdat, 1956. — Vol. 2. — 683 p.

27. Osiptsev, M. On the Road to a new school / M. Osiptsev // Leningrad provincial conference on agricultural bias in labor schools. — L., 1924. — №4–5. — P. 193–202.

28. Pidkasistyĭ, P. Independent informative activity of schoolboys in training: theoretical and experimental research / P. Pidkasistyĭ. — M.: Education, 1980. — 240 p.

29. Pinkevich, A. Psychology / A. Pinkevich. — Ed. 5 — M.: Educators, 1930. — 257 p.

30. Pistrak, M. Pedagogy / M. Pistrak. — M.: Uchpedgiz, 1934. — 468 p.

31. Polovnikova N. Investigation of the process of formation of informative independence of schoolboys in training: Dis.... Dr. ped. Sciences: 13. 00. 01 / N. Polovnikova. — Kazan, 1976. — 483 p.

32. Raikov, B. Ways and methods of naturalistic education / B. Raikov. — M.: Gospedizdat, 1960. — 484 p.

33. Stepashko, L. Philosophy and History of Education / L. Stepashko. — M.: Flinta, 2003. — 279 p.

34. Ushinsky, K. Pedagogical essays / K. Ushinsky. — M.: Education, 1988. — Vol. 3 — 512 p.

35. Ushinsky, K. Pedagogical essays / K. Ushinsky. — M.: Education, 1988. — Vol. 4 — 528 p.

36. Ushinsky, K. Pedagogical essays / K. Ushinsky. — M.: Education, 1988. — Vol. 6 — 528 p.

37. The Federal state educational standard of general education //

38. The Federal state educational standard of secondary education //

39. Chernyshevsky N. Selected pedagogical works / N. Chernyshevsky. — M.: Education, 1983. — 335 p.

40. Shalavina, T. Formation of informative independence of students in a combination of problem and explanatory and illustrative training: Dis.... Cand. ped. Sciences: 13. 00. 01 / T. Shalavina. — M., 1984. — 210 p.

41. Shamova, T. Activating the doctrine of schoolboys / T. Shamova. — Moscow: Pedagogy, 1982. — 208 p.

42. Shatsky, S. Selected pedagogical works in 2 volumes. / S. Shatsky. — M.: Education, 1980.

43. Shishkov, O. Formation of informative activity and independence of part-time students (for example, learning a foreign language): Dis.... Cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01 / O. Shishkov. — Ryazan, 2006. — 230 p.

44. Shchukina, G. Activation of cognitive activity of students in the learning process / G. Shchukina. — M.: Education, 1979. — 160 p.

45. Yagodovsky, K. Questions of general methods of natural science / K. Yagodovsky. — M.: Uchpedgiz, 1951. — 234 p.

About this article

Author: Petunin O.V.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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