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January 2016, № 1 (189)

Gilazieva S.R., Simonenkov V.S. TO THE QUESTION OF INDIVIDUAL NEEDS IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY In our computerized society, the share of occupations mental nature prevails over the professions associated with physical labor. As a result, people were more likely to carry diseases associated with stationary or sedentary lifestyle. In order to rectify the situation and improve modern society has conducted numerous programmes to promote the practice of physical education and sport, numerous sports and recreational facilities, increases the popularity of the sport. But most programs are designed for students. Programs to maintain health it is of the adult population is not sufficiently developed, and projected results of programs implemented under an hour do not justify expectations. In the article, questioning, pedagogical observation, and gives the theoretical analysis of the problem on the practical justification for physical activity for students and adults. The indexes of personal interest, the adoption of value attitudes of a person on a healthy lifestyle, used in the system of continuous education with the aim of improving physical education, preservation and strengthening of health. First of all, this installation on the management of the health condition, maintaining it at a high level throughout life. Thus, the results of the study showed that the presence of sports uniforms is a much larger place in the ranking of values. Many people do not associate physical activity with professional activity, i.e. do not understand the importance of physical activity for their health, classes had not yet become her personal value, and are not reflected in their way of life. The need for physical education due to the need for movement and the desire to improve one's health. The factors the motives influencing the interest in physical culture, defines the purpose of physical training and sports, sports and the frequency of participation in sports, but also a positive attitude to physical culture lessons.Key words: akmeologiya, physical activity, continuous education, physical education.


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About this article

Authors: Gilazieva S.R., Simonenkov V.S.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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