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2015, № 12 (187)

Turutina Al.O., Malishev A.S., Turutina An.O., Danielyan L.V. FEATURES OF APPLICATION OF SELECTIVE LASER TRABECULOPLASTY IN THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PRIMARY MIXED GLAUCOMAThe article is devoted to features of laser treatment of patients with primary mixed glaucoma. .Results in laser treatment of two groups patients with primary mixed glaucoma were analyzed retrospectively. In the first group were 11 patients (17 eyes); second group had 14 patients (19 eyes). Baseline intraocular pressure amounted to Po = (24,5 ± 1.3) mm Hg. PT. in the first and second group. During the gonioscopy, all patients had the anterior chamber angle I — II degree of opening, pigmentation of anterior's chamber structures angle was (++)—(+++). All patients in every group were performed YAG — laser iridotomy, by the same doctor. Through 5 days, the second group of patients was followed by a second stage of laser irradiation — selective laser trabeculoplasty. Target pressure was achieved only in two eyes (9.7 %) of the first group. Patients of the second group achieved target pressure in 73.7 % of cases (14 eyes) and it amounted (18.5 ± 1.3) mm. Hg., through 1 month it was (17.7 ± 1.3) mm. Hg. PT. 3 months later C = 0.17 ± 0.03. Through 3 months, there were able to reduce the hypotensive regime in 3 eyes (15.8 %), carbonic anhydrase inhibitors were eliminated. We have repeated SLT In 2 eyes (10.5 %) after having increase of eye pressure through 6 months. After that, was achieved compensation of glaucoma process. Hypotensive effect wasn't achieved in 5 eyes (26.3 %), these patients have had hypotensive surgeries. It was shown that during the observation period of 12 months, two-stage laser irradiation in the treatment of patients with primary mixed glaucoma, high performance, and, therefore, should be more widely used in everyday practice.Key words: primary mixed glaucoma; YAG-laser iridotomy; selective laser trabeculoplasty; remote results.


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About this article

Authors: Malyshev A.S., Turutina Al.O., Turutina An.O., Danielyan L.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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