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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Baimuratova U.S. POSTCARDS OF THE PROJECT "POSTCROSSING" IN VERBAL COMMUNICATION OF ENGLISH-SPEAKING DISCOURSEThe article encompasses the problem of improving the classification of speech genres on the basis of the provisions and principles of the new direction of linguistics — the theory of natural written speech. It is invited to consider the postcards of the project "Postcrossing" as a new form of verbal communication of English-language discourse, which emerged and became widespread globally in the past decade. Using M. M. Bakhtin's theory of speech genres the corpus of postcards of the project are analyzed on the basic principles of the genre, where the principal one is the general speech purpose. So, the leading function of speech is contact one, namely phatic function of language, for a number of reasons: the sender writes to a completely unfamiliar person in order to establish a single contact, which in the future may not be supported for the mere fact of the transfer of a material carrier — a postcard. The secondary functions are recognized as informative, consisting in substantial part of the composite structure, and appellative, when the sender influences on the view or behaviour of the recipient. The research of the composition of these texts has demonstrated the stability of their construction and allowed us to bring the general scheme of elements included in the composition. The principle of dialogicality is demonstrated, where the communication characteristic of address has the particular significance. The natural pattern of use of postcards is proved by absolutely heterogeneous material in thematic plan. Thus, by conducting a pragmatic analysis of the postcard texts, where the main approach to the text material collected by the author for four years, was elected aspect of speech genre studies, the essential features of the postcards of the project "Postcrossing" were identified, which allowed to define them as a genre of natural written English speech.Key words: speech genre, natural written speech, written factual communication.


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URL: (data obrashhenija: 30.06.2015).

About this article

Author: Baymuratova U.S.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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