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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Tsvyak A.V. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT UNAPPROVED INSERTS IN THE PIPELINE AND METHODS OF COMBATING THEMOne of the most pressing and difficult problems is the problem of manual product lines of detection of unapproved inserts and prevent theft of oil from pipelines. The consequences of frames are environmental pollution, economic losses and an increase in terms of delivery of hydrocarbons to consumers. In recent years, one of the main causes of accidents and large-scale environmental pollution leaking oil and petroleum products are unauthorized tapping and sabotage. For this reason, the safety of people is suffering, violated environmental conditions, reduced security of supply of hydrocarbons through pipelines. According to the frequency (rate) of accidents on the highway average intensity of the main pipelines for oil and gas accidents in the last 5 years is for every 1,000 km route — 0.27 accidents per year. The largest share of accidents (69 %) is due to external influences on the pipeline as a result of unauthorized taps, sabotage. At the present time to detect taps and leaks developed a large number of methods based on different physical laws and phenomena. However, existing methods of leak detection and unauthorized taps does not fully satisfy all the requirements imposed on them. Using existing methods of monitoring leaks difficult to detect unauthorized tapping of — their short duration and small volume of leakage does not provide the requirement of efficiency. Therefore, it proposed a system of detection of unapproved inserts in the product pipeline, based on the measurement and analysis of the impact arising from the metal tube wave disturbances using seismological equipment. Services provided by the definition of the fundamental possibility of detecting external influence on the pipeline using seismological equipment showed that the gathers are the following types of signal: background noise disturbance from passing oil transport strike effects on the pipeline, drilling.Key words: unauthorized tapping, oil spills, gather.


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About this article

Author: Tsvyak A.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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