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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Sandakova G.N., Eliseev V.I. THE INFLUENCE OF MINERAL NUTRITION ON THE PROTEIN CONTENT IN GRAIN SPRING WHEAT IN CONDITIONS OF THE ORENBURG URAL REGIONClimatic and soil conditions of the Orenburg region is favorable for grain yield of durum wheat with a high content of protein eat. Fluctuations in weather lead to high variability of protein. Due to this being the constant search for agronomic techniques of cultivation, providing improvement of its content. Great importance is attached to improving nutrition spring durum wheat by applying mineral fertilizers. Previous research was conducted on the basis of short-term experiments. Identifying the benefits of different types, doses and combinations of mineral nutrients on the protein content of spring wheat in long-term stationary experiment taking into account the meteorological conditions of this area is relevant for today. The basis for the study was taken many years (1974–2013 years) experimental data on protein content in grain of spring hard wheat, obtained in a stationary experiment with different types and doses of mineral fertilizers on soils of ordinary Chernozem of the Central zone of the region, and agro-meteorological data for the same period of time. Was performed grouping the conditions of the growing season spring wheat largest hydrothermal coefficient (SCC). Influence of weather factors on the efficiency of different mineral nutrients was estimated according to the probability of obtaining superior protein for each group of years. Evaluation of protein links to weather factors and elements of mineral nutrition carried out using methods of mathematical modeling. The mathematical regression models of the effect of weather factors and elements of mineral nutrition on the protein content of spring wheat identified quantitative values that indicate the formation of a high-protein grain and fertilizer efficiency of the implemented initiatives.Key words: durum wheat, protein, weather, fertilizers, regression model.


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About this article

Authors: Sandakova G.N., Eliseev V.I.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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