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September 2015, № 9 (184)

Vasilyev S.A. A MATHEMATICAL MODEL TO PREDICT EROSION ON SLOPING AGROLANDSCAPEErosion processes on sloping landscapes lead to reduction of soil fertility, a substantial decrease in yields of crops, not the observance of technological process of machine-tractor unit, destruction of roads for agricultural purposes, etc. Surface detention of runoff received considerable attention, because solving them, perhaps, to actively manage the processes of shtokoobraznye and soil erosion on sloping landscapes. Various approaches used today for evaluation of erosion processes in most cases do not correspond to the real process. Observed discrepancy of the calculated data and experiments should be attributed to lack of accounting standards and parameters of the soil. These settings on sloping agricultural landscapes are changing significantly and hydraulics of sheet flow has its principal features, in comparison with fluvial processes. Proposed to be used to estimate erosion processes that occur on sloping landscapes, mathematical model for prediction of soil loss from agricultural fields. Given the fundamental features of the hydraulics of sheet flow when designing anti-erosion technologies, the mathematical model included the hydraulic losses of the watercourse to overcome the resistance of the underlying surface, erosion and transportation of sediment. Approbation of the developed model was carried out according to field research performed on-site SHPK "Work" batyrevskogo district of the Chuvash Republic. The results of the determination of the studied hydrophysical parameters and predict the number of washed-out soils for a particular site is presented in the form of maps with isolines. To change hydrophysical and erosive properties of the soil it is desirable to apply the promising methods of sowing of agricultural crops, for example, be combined seedbed preparation sowing, thus to reduce the number of driveways mA-tire-tractor unit for agricultural field and minimizes the interaction of working bodies of agricultural machines with the soil. Key words: prediction of soil loss, water flow, slope agro-landscapes, slope, hydraulic losses, mathematical model.


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About this article

Author: Vasilyev S.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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