[№ 12 (app.1) ' 2006]
Avzalov R.H. INFLUENCE OF PROPOLIS AND METHYLOLURACIL ON BIOLOGICAL AND ECONOMICALLY-USEFUL ATTRIBUTES OF HENS [№ 1 ' 2004] In the article the data are submitted on influence of propolis and methyloluracil on biological and economically -useful attributes of hens. Stimulating action on a gain of alive weight, erythropoiesis, leukopoiesis and intensity of immunity against illness of Newcastle, bactericidal activity of whey of blood and reduction of the contents of common fiber in whey of blood is revealed.
R.X. Avzalov HEMATOLOGIC AND IMMUNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF HENS IN THE VARIOUS AGE PERIODS DEPENDING ON APPLICATION OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE PREPARATIONS [№ 6 ' 2003] In the article hematologic and immunological parameters of hens in the various age periods depending on application of biologically active substances are submitted The received data will form a basis for the development of the appropriate recommendations for application of biologically active preparations with the purpose of optimization of exchange processes in an organism, increases of the immune status of an organism of birds in critical days.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |