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January 2018, № 1 (213), pages 63–68

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-213-63

Satov М.К. MODERN METHODS OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL SUCCESS OF THE OFFICER OF THE NATIONAL GUARD OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTANIn the context of modernization of military education, the problem of improving the quality of not only professional training, but also the upbringing of future officers, is of particular importance. Already in the process of education in a military higher educational institution, it is necessary to form cadets’ values of serving the Motherland and instilling in them the idea of the high social importance of their profession, requiring them to manifest a high level of initiative and responsibility. This suggests that, along with such important qualitative indicators of military specialist training, as knowledge, skills, the position of the social success of the future officer should be formed. At the same time, in our opinion, the optimally developed ability to switch between the realization of competence experience in action and awareness is the essence of social success. Analysis of the literature shows that the formation and development of this phenomenon is possible in two directions: on the one hand, through the accumulation of experience in resolving various difficult situations and successfully overcoming the difficulties encountered in activities, and on the other, by including the officer in the continuous process of education in the framework of the main directions of educational and upbringing activity, as well as systematic self-education. Priority for us in the formation and development of social success will be the second direction. At the same time, we assign psychiatric methods, and in particular methods of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, to the defining role in the formation and development of social success in the framework of our research. The experience of our work has made it possible to determine the specifics of implementing methods of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy within the framework of military activities, which includes nine main stages, based on the principles of the ethical code of a psychologist and psychotherapist. Formation and development of social success within the framework of military activities is possible in the process of commander training, advanced training, and self-training.Key words: social success, psychological competence, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy.


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About this article

Author: Satov M.K.

Year: 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-213-63

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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