October 2017, № 11 (211), pages 125–127doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-211-125
Yatsenko-Stepanova Т.N. EVALUATION OF THE ECOLOGICAL STATUS OF SOME FLOODPLAIN LAKES ALONG THE URAL RIVER (ORENBURG REGION)The review contains the basic approaches to determining the trophic level in natural water bodies. The article presents the results of ecological status estimation of 9 floodplain lakes along the Ural River. In this study physical, chemical, biochemical and biological characteristics were used as ecosystem functioning indicators. Transparency of lakes from 30 to 350 cm, nitrate nitrogen from 0.0 to 4.5 mg/l, phosphorus from 0 to 0.28 mg/l, the intensity of production processes along the lakes varied from 0.22 mg O2/l•day to 21.53 mg O2/l•day,biomass up to 15,7 mg/l. An integrated approach to establishing the level of trophicity in the studied reservoirs made it possible to classify lakes Linevo, Dalnee Peschanoe, Rudnichnoe, Muzikantskoe, Kresti as mesotrophic; lakes Belenovskoe, Bolshoe Peschanoe, Lebyazhye, Borodok — to eutrophic water bodies. Shows the need to continue the search for adequate indicators possessing a high degree of informativeness, but the measurement of which would combine with acceptable levels of complexity, accuracy, versatility.Key words: trophicity eutrophication, methods for determining the trophic level.
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About this article
Author: Yatsenko-Stepanova T.N.
Year: 2017
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-211-125
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |