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February 2017, № 2 (202)

Korobejnikova A.A. SPEAKING IN SINGING VERSUS PRONOUNCING STANDARDSThe man's voice — is the clearest sign of individuality. Possession of voice is caused by human experience and the level of its social and cultural education. Since the time of ancient rhetoric research interest in the nature of the human voice continues unabated and is reflected in the writings of modern scientists. The latter is partly due to the ever-increasing number of people wishing to become professionals in the field of academic, pop, folk and choral singing. Having the experience of teaching the subject “Russian language and culture of speech” in the Orenburg State Institute of Arts L. and M. Rostropovich, we wondered about, in no way should be followed vocalists pronouncing norms of the literary language. The study of the pronunciation in the process of singing leads to a deeper understanding of the laws governing the functioning of the language system as a whole, because it is a vocal part of the language culture. Singing as “omuzykalennaya speech” is being implemented in its oral form. Therefore, ignorance of the rules of Russian literary pronunciation, as well as failure to comply with the basic rules and methods of articulation negatively affect the perception and understanding of the lyrics listeners. However, singers need to thoughtfully approach the correlation of singing pronunciation with a natural voice.Key words: Russian literary language, speaking, orthoepy singing.


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About this article

Author: Korobeynikova A.A.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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