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January 2017, № 1 (201)

Inchikova J.A. THE VERBALIZATION OF THE CONCEPT OF “TIME” IN GRAMMATICAL CATEGORIES IN RUSSIAN AND SPANISH LANGUAGESThis article examines the verbalization peculiarities of the concept of “time”, as one of the major ones, in Russian and Spanish grammatical categories. It provides with a comparative analysis of the theoretical basis of various scientific approaches to the understanding and study of concepts in Cognitive and Cultural Studies. The paper introduces the views of leading researchers on how to define the concept and distinguish its main features. The concept is defined as an idea or mental image corresponding to some entities that determine the application of a term or a word, and so play an important role in the use of reason or language. It should be born in mind that the concept somehow reflects the results of human activity as well as their culture. The comparative analysis of this concept in Russian and Spanish linguistic pictures of the world reveals differences in its content, and thus draw one`s attention to the peculiarities of time perception in both cultures. The analysis of lexicographical literature helps to distinguish some conceptual characteristics that refer to the core of the concept and to its peripheral parts. Moreover, this paper observes linguacultural features of such grammatical categories as “impersonality” and “antecedent”, which have a significant influence on time perception by Spanish. The author refers to the works of well-known researchers of cultural differences: Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Values Orientation Theory, Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions, Hall's classification of cultures etc. to compare grammatical semantics of tenses, which are directly relevant to the verbalization of the concept of “time”, and to define the type of time orientation within both cultures. It should be mentioned that all linguistic and grammatical units are examined in conjunction with cultural peculiarities of both countries. In other words, the author tries to explore a close correlation between peculiarities of the concept verbalization and national cultural diversity. Therefore, the article focuses on the question about close relation between language, particularly, grammar and culture. Futhermore, there is an attempt to explain all these distinctions, namely peculiar time perception, by historical and cultural background and other culturally based reasons. To conclude, this research may provide with better understanding of natives' habits, traditions, peculiarities of their communicative and cultural behavior and mentality that may help to avoid any possible misunderstanding, stereotyping and, therefore, to establish more successful relationships between representatives of both cultures.Key words: concept, verbalization, grammatical categories, grammatical semantics, tenses, time orientation, peculiarities of time perception, cultures classification, linguistic picture of the world.


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About this article

Author: Inchikova Yu.A.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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