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January 2016, № 1 (189)

Zolotarev P.N. IDENTIFICATION OF SENSITIVITY OF FUNGI TO PHYTOCOMPOUNDSFrom year to year in modern pharmacology importance of the issue of search of antimycotic activity compound is growing. Firstly that is due to growing incidence of fungal skin and mucous membranes diseases. So among research in the contemporary scientific literature we can more often read about studies on antimycotic activity of phytocompounds. The work explores the sensitivity of fungi that cause injuries of human skin and mucous membranes to phytocompounds, containing phenylpropanoids and flavonoids. The material for the study is 39 strains of fungi that cause injuries of human skin and mucous membranes (Trichophyton spp., Microsporum canis, Candida albicans). Serial double dilutions in solid breeding substratum method applied to determine sensitivity of microbes to phytocompounds with phenylpropanoids and flavonoids as a leading group. The average values sensitivity of fungi to phytocompounds expressed in minimum-suppressive concentrations was obtained. Trichophyton spp., Microsporum canis and Candida albicans have maximum sensitivity to the second fraction of carbon dioxide extract of cloves (IPC = (55.68 ± 13.99) μg/ml; (83.52 ± 14.01) μg/ml and (26.68 ± 7.87) μg/ml, respectively). Fungi have multi-directional sensitivity to phytosamples, while the sensitivity of microorganisms depends both on the type of the pathogen and chemical nature of phytosamples. As a result of experiments sensitivity of microbes to phytocompounds containing phenylpropanoids and flavonoids was studied. Also it was proved that fungi that cause injuries of human skin and mucous membranes have sensitivity to phytocompounds and the sensitivity depends on a type of a microbe.Key words: fungi, sensitivity, phytocompounds.


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About this article

Author: Zolotarev P.N.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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