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November 2015, № 13 (188)

Bolodurina I.P., Parfenov D.I. COMPLETE SOLUTION EFFICIENT ACCESS TO DATA IN A HYBRID CLOUD SYSTEMS GIVEN THE CHARACTERISTICS OF MULTIMEDIA SERVICESThe current state of research on the topic of cloud computing reveals a number of significant nedostokov related to the productivity and efficiency of resource use heavy duty applications. In particular multimedia services, actively use the system storage to accommodate large amounts of information, the demand for algorithms capable of efficiently handle requests for access to resources. However, the methods and algorithms used in existing systems have limitations virtualization scalability, physical resources, as well as the adoption of the control solution in critical situations. In this regard, it requires the development of new efficient technologies, methods and algorithms for modeling and optimizing the cost of virtualization. In the study, a model of data access multimedia services using a cloud platform. This also solved the problem of analyzing the efficiency of algorithms, methods of performance management and optimization of the use of software and hardware resources. In addition, we addressed the problem of cloud modeling studies, evaluating the effectiveness of the use of computing resources, taking into account peculiarities of the work of multimedia services, as well as developed a comprehensive algorithmic solution, aimed at increasing the speed of processing incoming requests. To this end, the model of data streams circulating in the cloud systems, as well as experimental studies of algorithms of planning and management of data flows. The study, based of experimental data obtained during testing of the integrated alogoritmicheskogo solutions can improve the efficiency of data access in hybrid cloud systems taking into account the characteristics of multimedia services. Construction of model of data access multimedia services can extend the idea of the features of the internal cloud, as well as to describe the mechanisms of interaction between the main components affecting the operation of the system in the preiod peak. The effect of the introduction of the developed algorithms will reduce the cost of rent cloud resources by optimizing their use.Key words: multimedia resources, load distribution, cloud computing, data storage systems.


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About this article

Authors: Parfyonov D.I., Bolodurina I.P.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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