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2015, № 12 (187)

Stebnev S.D., Stebnev V.S., Malov V.M. CHROMOVITRECTOMY OF SYMPTOMATIC VITREO-MACULAR ADHESIONCOMPLICATED BY EARLY STAGES OF PRIMARY FULL-THICKNESS MACULAR HOLESChromovitrectomy — modern section of vitreoretinal surgery involving the use during surgery endovitreal dyes for better visualization of the vitreous, preretinal and retinal structures. This technology involves the selective recruitment endovitreal dyes for staining structures of the posterior segment of the eye, which creates a useful contrast edges of the removed structures, extends the identification of the true boundaries of the pathological membranes, improves the visualization of the underlying internal limiting membrane, allows you to operate on patients at earlier stages of the disease, and with less injuries. Central pathogenetic role in the development of primary full-thickness macular hole is traction symptomatic effects of vitreo-macular adhesion (sVMA) on foveolar region. Studied the clinical efficacy of chromovitrectomy in the surgery of symptomatic vitreo-macular adhesion, complicated by primary full-thickness macular hole in the early stages of its formation in 42 patients. The patients age from 46 to 72 years (average of 64.5 m± 3.2 m). Women — 31 (74 %), men — 11 (26 %). In 23 patients primary full-thickness macular hole was classified as stage I, 19 — II stage. Using technology chromovitrectomy may guaranteed eliminate symptomatic of vitreo-macular adhesion. All 42 patients with this disease who were under surveillance, was able to eliminate symptomatic of vitreo-macular adhesion and to achieve primary closure of full thickness macular holes. The use of technology chromovitrectomy symptomatic of vitreo-macular adhesion, complicated by primary full-thickness macular hole, allows to obtain a high anatomical and functional results that provides a basis to apply active surgical tactics in the early stages of primary full-thickness macular hole.Key words: chromovitrectomy, symptomatic vitreo-macular adhesion, primary full-thickness macular hole.


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About this article

Authors: Stebnev S.D., Stebnev V.S., Malov V.M.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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