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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Matyash S.A. ONE MORE TIME ABOUT IDENTIFICATION OF ENJAMBEMENTSThe problem of identification of enjambements was defined by the author of this article about thirty years ago. At that point the author proposed the methodology of enjambements identification, which was used actively by the author and her disciples, but never became a common one. There are Numerous examples of ambiguous interpretation of texts from the point of view of presence or lack of enjambements in them, which drives the necessity of coming back to the problem. The presented articles brings additional arguments in favor of proposed earlier methodology, broadens illustrative material, includes polemics with newest proceedings about enjambements, some wordings was corrected. The main problem examined in the article is problem of status of in-verse pause and strength of syntactic relations between lines. The author considers absolutization of role of in-verse pause to be a mistake and insists on different methodology of identification of enjambements: they should be defined by comparison of strength of horizontal and vertical syntactic relations between lines. Enjambement appears when vertical relations are stronger than horizontal ones. When defining the strength of syntactic relations author bases on hierarchy of M.L. Gasparov — T.V. Skulacheva, but makes some supplements based on similar hierarchy of M.I. Shapir and own observations of enjambements in Russian poetry of XVIII–XX ages.Key words: prosody, verse syntax, rhythm, enjambement, in-verse pause, strength of horizontal and vertical syntactic relations.


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3. Fedotov O.I. basics of Russian verse structure: metrics and rhythmic. — М., 1997. — Р.237-261.

4. Stepanov A. G. Enjambements // Poetica: vocabulary of actual terms and concenpts. — М., 2008. — Р.162-163.

5. Tomashevskiy B.V. Verse and language: philological essays — Мoscow — Leningrad, 1959. — Р.202-324.

6. Matyash S.A. About enjambement and enjambement in free verse. Karaganda univercity publishing. Karaganda, 1988. Dep. in INION AN USSR, No 35229 of 19.08.88. — 20p.

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8. Bokusheva G. Verse division (based on N. Nekrasov's poetry) / dissertation — Karaganda, 2001. — 158p.

9. Matyash S.A. Chekasina N.A. Enjambements in batynskiy's lirics in the context of Pushkin's tradition // Vestnik of Orenburg's State Univercity 2011, No 11. — Р.20-25.

10. Sluzhaeva E. U. Enjambements in lirics of Osip Mandelshtam // Vestnik of Orenburg's State Univercity, 2012, No 11. — Р.40-45.

11. Zhirmunsky V. Theory of verse. — L., 1975. — Р.151-162.

12. Taranovsky K. Some Problems of Enjambement in Slavic and Western European Verse / International Journal Linguistics and Poetics, 1963, vol 7. — P. 80-87.

13. Ivanov V.Vs. Some observations over oda of 18 century // Linguistics and poetics — Мoscow., 1979. –Р.174-187.

14. Gasparov M.L. B.I.Iarkho's studies in thory of literature // Semiotics Studies. IV / Studies and notes of Tartu State Univercity, vol. 236. — Tartu, 1969. — Р.504-526.

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16. Akimova M.V., B.I.Iarkho in polemics with Tynyanov's concept of poetical language // Philologica, 2001/2002. Vol.7, No17/18. — Р.207-225.

17. Gasparov M.L. Rhythm and syntax: genesis of Mayakovskiy's "stairs" // Problems of structural linguistics. 1979. — Moscow, 1981. — Р.148-168.

18. Gasparov M.L., Skulacheva T.V. Rhythm and syntax in free verse // Essays about language of Russian poetry of 20 cenntury: grammar categories, syntax. Moscow, 1993. — Р.20-43.

19. Gasparov M., Skulacheva T. Studies about linguistics of verse. Moscow 2004. P. 182-190.

20. Shapir M.I. Universum + versus: language — verse — sense in Russian poetry of XVIII-XX centuries — Moscow., 2000. — Vol.1 — 536p.

21. Shapir M.I. Studies about Pushkin . — Moscow, 2009. — 400p.

22. Gasparov M.L., Modern Russian verse: metrics and rhythm. — Moscow, 1974.— 487p.

23. Baevskiy V.S. , Novikova M.L., Romanova I.V. Syntax enjambement from Shakespeare to Brodskiy: ontological argument and statistical patterns // Slavic verse VIII: verse, language, sense — Moscow, 2009. — Р.218-232.

24. Sseke D.K. Functions of enjambement in poetry of Pushkin and Lermontov // The Structure and Semantics of the Literary Text, ed. by M.Peter. — Budapest, 1997. — P.119-125.

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26. Matyash S.A. About history and typology of verse enjambements // Slavic verse: linguistics and practical poetics.— Мoscow, 2001. — P. 172-186.

About this article

Author: Matyash S.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
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