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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Dymova I.A. DEMOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS IN JOURNALISM OF MODERN ORTHODOX RELIGIOUS FIGURES OF RUSSIADespite the boom of religious journalism that began in 1990s and is called, according to V.A. Gur, "orthodox renaissance", "second christening of post-Soviet Russia", there are few serious scientific researches in journalistic science over last 25 years dealing with this phenomenon: a monograph, a doctoral thesis, and 8 master's theses, as well as 30 works, the majority of which are review articles of popular-science character. The theses cover very narrow time limits, for example first ages of Christianity or the last century. They usually analyze separate genres or printed publications. Journalistic activity of contemporary orthodox religious figures in Russia is a new topic in science, especially in aspect of problems and themes and in case of Internet materials. The analysis of the scientific works shows that journalistic studies have examined the problems and themes of confessional journalism very poor. These notions are mixed in scientific works. The ideas of the predecessors and some noted gaps in journalistic studies have resulted in creating more specific and capacious classification reflecting both components — problems and themes. 170 texts from 6 sites were analyzed, from them 33 publicistic texts by 10 contemporary orthodox religious authors were selected. These texts were referred to one of 3 allocated units — demography, human rights and degradation of traditional family values in the age of civilization crisis and preserving of personal freedom against development of new information technologies and law modernization. The demography problems in orthodox journalism are of a very high demand, this is confirmed by interactive links and numerous positive responses of guests in sites, questions and comments. On the one hand they are evidence of topicality of such topics; on the other hand they show that modern Russian society experiences profound family crisis and needs support, that's why religious figures' appearances being addressed to the audience of many million have powerful educating potential able to consolidate the society around spiritual, moral and family values.Key words: Orthodox journalists, clergymen, family values, challenges and threats of our time, abortions, homosexuality, orphans, surrogacy, total control, universal electronic card, juvenile justice, consolidation of the society.


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About this article

Author: Dymova I.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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