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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Voropaev S.B., Nadein A.V., Kotegawa A.A. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MORPHOLOGICAL AND WATER-PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS OF THE CENTRAL PART OF THE ORENBURG REGIONThe Soil cover of the Earth is a critical component of the biosphere of the Earth. It is soil shell determines many processes in the biosphere. The most important value of soil is accumulating organic matter, various chemical elements, and energy. The soil performs the functions of a biological absorber, the destroyer and neutralizer of different contaminations. If it is the part of the biosphere will be destroyed, then the current functioning of the biosphere irreversibly disturbed. That is why it is extremely important the study of global biogeochemical importance of soil, its current state and changing under the influence of anthropogenic activities. Determined by the regional characteristics of the black soil plains of agrolandscapes slightly changed; the change in the basic properties of soils in agricultural use, anthropogenic influence and urbanization, presents estimates of the structural-aggregate composition of soils (structure, density) and permeability. The diversity of conditions of soil formation in the southern Urals caused the formation of very complex of soil cover. The territory of the Orenburg region is characterized by consecutive change of types and subtypes of soils. In zonal row virgin soils of the region, the decrease of the capacity of the humus horizon in the direction from North to South and as a result of their agricultural use. Assessment of the structural-aggregate composition of soils showed that the typical chernozems are characterized by a high qualitative and quantitative indicators in comparison with the ordinary black and southern. The density of the soil in a number of the typical black soil — ordinary Chernozem — Chernozem southern natural increases, but the rate on the land exceeds such on the virgin snow. Key words: morphology, soil structure, permeability, density.


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About this article

Authors: Kotegova A.A., Nadeina A.A., Voropaev S.B.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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