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August 2015, № 8 (183)

Pinaevа I.F. THE MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL PROJECTS METALLURGICAL CORPORATIONS IN THE CONDITIONS OF UNSTABLE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTModern external environment metallurgical corporations has negative factors that weaken competitiveness and reduce social activities. The main form of social activity are social projects. It is proposed to use a synergistic approach to the management of social projects. The essence of the synergetic approach is to estimate indirect effects from the implementation of social projects for a specific destination. The use of synergistic approach will allow metallurgical corporations to save money on social projects meet the needs of multiple stakeholders at the consumption of the same resource. Synergetic approach to the management of social projects is the most appropriate in the context of unstable external environment, assessment of direct and indirect factors, which are presented in the article. The research allowed establishing the presence of risk factors and factors of development of the metallurgical complex at the macro, meso and micro. Based on the assessment of the influence factors on the activity of metallurgical corporations, formulated practical recommendations on directions of implementation of social projects in the conditions of instability of the environment. First, it is recommended, to focus social projects on creating favorable relationships with customers, Resellers, enterprises of leading industries and sales of steel products. Secondly, in the current conditions recommended to limit the number of social projects, and reducing their budget at the expense of active use of indirect effects, which are the basis of synergetic approach. Thirdly, it is proposed, to use a synergistic approach to the management of social projects to minimize the negative impact of the volatile external environment in the least protected area of corporate activities.Key words: management of social projects, synergetic approach, synergetic effect, turbulence оf external environment.


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About this article

Author: Pinaeva I.F.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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