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March 2015, № 3 (178)

Yagofarov S.M. CRIMINAL PROSECUTION EXERCISE IN THE COURSE OF PRETRIAL PROCEEDING As a result of pre-trial criminal proceeding reform in the criminal procedure science there is no consensus on the question whether the totality of powers set out in the Code of Criminal Procedure allows one to talk about retaining the possibility of criminal prosecution exercise in the course of pretrial proceeding on the part of the prosecutor's office. Existing views can be divided into three groups, which bring together representatives of science who speak in favour of: a) impossibility of criminal prosecution by the prosecutor in the course of pre-trial proceedings; b) only partial prosecution when it is connected with the need to prosecute in court proceedings by means of prosecution on behalf of a state; c) maintenance of criminal prosecution by the prosecutor even to a limited extent. The prosecutor, despite significant cuts in powers still continues to maintain a fundamental role in pre-trial proceedings. However, the presence of the combination for criminal prosecution and its implementation supervision in relation to other bodies may be associated with competing interests, so the prosecutor's supervisory activities should be subject to judicial review, the mechanism of which should be improved, including organizational activities aimed at the formation of the institute of investigating magistrates. The necessity of such institute gains approval of both representatives of science and practitioners. We believe that the prosecutor should return the commencement of prosecution, the termination of prosecution without the consent of the prosecutor should be avoided. In case of disagreement with the position of the prosecutor regarding criminal case, they should be given the opportunity to challenge the actions of the prosecutor from the investigating magistrate, whose decision can be reversed only by a court order. It is proposed to restore the powers of the prosecutor to draw up the text of the indictment independently and to change the qualification actions of the accused, proposed by the investigator.


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About this article

Author: Yagofarov S.M.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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