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2012, № 12 (148)

Kulbaev N.D., Dyatchina E.V. THE MODELING OF THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURES OF SOFT FACIAL SKELETON WITH THE USE OF BIOMATERIALSThere are presented the results of morphological studies on experimental transplantation of structured and dispersed forms of biomaterials based on collagen and elastin in the article. It is shown that transplantation of the studied biomaterials Alloplant in the area of fascial nodes leads to the formation of the regenerate as a dense fibrous connective tissue with the strengthening of the supporting structures of soft skeleton face. The derived data are used by the authors in the development of aesthetic surgery technologies, including the prevention and correction of involutory changes of the face.Key words: soft skeleton face, fascia and fascial nodes, transplantation of biomaterials.


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4. Application of strain methods in dentistry. / Edited by E.R. Muldasheva — Ufa, 2006. — 40p.

5. Mukhametshina L.I. Radiosemiotics of chronic generalized periodontitis and age involutive changes of jaw: Author's abstract.... cand. of med. sciences — Perm, 2008. — 22p.

6. Method of biological rejuvenation / R.Sh. Mirhaydarov, R.K. Urazbakhtina, S.V. Grishanina, A. Pens // Patent number 2354305. The Russian Federation. Application №2005111123/14. Bull. №35 of 20.12.2006.

7. Frishberg I.A. Aesthetic surgery of the face. / I.A. Frishberg — Moscow: ICC "Akademkniga", 2005. — 276p.

8. Avoiding dermal filler complications / R.N. Sherman // Clinics in Dermatology, Vol. 27, Is. 3, Suppl., 2009, P. S23-S32.

9. Injectable fillers for facial rejuvenation: a review / D.W. Buck, M. Alam, J.S. Kim // Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Vol. 62, Is. 1, 2009, P. 11-18.

10. Saulis, A.S. Biomechanical and viscoelastic properties of skin, SMAS and composite flaps as they pertain in rhytidectomy / A.S. Saulis et al. — PL.Rec.Surg.2002. — P. 110, 590-598.

11. Skin augmentation and correction: the new generation of dermal fillers—A dermatologist's experience / T.K. Hamilton // Clinics in Dermatology, Vol. 27, Is. 3, Suppl., 2009, P. S13-S22.

12. Galiyahmetov RF Dynamics postozhogovoy cornea regeneration at local and reflex-action allogeneic dispersed biomaterial: Author. dis. ... Candidate. med: - Ekaterinburg, 2010. - 21c.

13. Kovanov VV Surgical anatomy of the fascia and cellular spaces rights / V. Forged, TI Anikin. Moscow, Medicine, 1967. - 428s.

14. Plastic surgery of the face and neck / VI Sergienko and others - Moscow: GEOTAR Media, 2010. - 328s.

15. Application of strain methods in dentistry. / Edited by ER Muldasheva - Ufa, 2006. - 40c.

16. Mukhametshin LI Rentgenosemiotika chronic generalized periodontitis and age involutive changes of the mandible: Author. ... Candidate. honey. Science. - Perm, 2008. - 22c.

17. Method of biological rejuvenation / R.Sh. Mirhaydarov, RK Urazbakhtina, SV Grishanina, A. Pens / / patent number 2,354,305. The Russian Federation. Application № 2005111123/14. Bull. ? 35 of 20.12.2006.

18. Ivan Frishberg Aesthetic surgery of the face. / IA Frishberg - Moscow: ICC "Akademkniga", 2005. - 276s.

19. Avoiding dermal filler complications / R.N. Sherman / / Clinics in Dermatology, Vol. 27, Is. 3, Suppl., 2009, P. S23-S32.

20. Injectable fillers for facial rejuvenation: a review / DW Buck, M. Alam, J.S. Kim / / Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Vol. 62, Is. 1, 2009, P. 11-18.

21. Saulis, A.S. Biomechanical and viscoelastic properties of skin, SMAS and composite flaps as they pertain in rhytidectomy / AS Saulis et al. - PL.Rec.Surg. 2002. - P. 110, 590-598.

22. Skin augmentation and correction: the new generation of dermal fillers-A dermatologist's experience / TK Hamilton / / Clinics in Dermatology, Vol. 27, Is. 3, Suppl., 2009, P. S13-S22.

About this article

Authors: Kulbaev N.D., Dyatchina E.V.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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