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2010, № 11

Slon O.V. TO THE PROBLEM OF "COMPOSITION" AND "GENRE" OF LYRIC WORKS (THE RESULT OF STUDYING OF EPIGRAM AND ELEGY COMPOSITION BY N.A. NEKRASOV)The problem of correlation of composition and genre of written work is given in this article. For arrangement and solution of this problem the author generalizes the results of conducted research of composition of two stylistic polar genres — epigram and elegy.Key words: composition, genre, epigram, elegy, creative work of N.A. Nekrasov.


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4. Tomaszewski, B.V. Theory of Literature. Poetics / / B.V. Tomaszewski. — M.: Aspekt-Press, 1996. — 334p.

5. Holshevnikov, V.E. Analysis of the composition of lyrical poem / V.E. Holshevnikov / / Analysis of a poem. — L., 1985. — Pp.5 — 49.

6. Evseeva, R.A. The poetics of lyric composition by V.A. Zhukovsky: Diss. Candidate of Philological Science / R.A. Evseeva. — Orenburg, 2003. — 223p.

7. Gasparov M.L. Lyrical constructions by Fet, or as Turgenev taught Fet one, and teach others / M.L. Gasparov / / New Literary Review, №56, 2002. — №4. — Pp. 96-113.

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9. Grigoryan, K.N. To the matter about genre in the poetry of Nekrasov / K.N. Grigorian / Nekrasovskiy digest — L.: Nauka, 1967. — No. VI. -Pp.145-157.

10. Oprishko, E.N. Poetics of the genre of elegies by N.A. Nekrasov / E.N. Oprishko / Genres of Russian Realism. — Dnepropetrovsk, 1983. — Pp. 25-36.

11. Korman, B.O. Lyric by Nekrasov / B.O. Korman. — Izhevsk: Udmurtia, 1978. — 300p.

12. Lotman Y.M. Analysis of the poetic text. The structure of verse / Y.M. Lotman. — Leningrad: Nauka, 1972. — 271p.

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14. Slon, O.V. Epigrams by N.A. Nekrasov: issues of typology and structure / O. V.Slon / / Integration of science and practice in innovation processes in modern society: collection of articles by an international scientific-practical conference. — Berlin, Rostock, Orenburg: published by IAC, 2004. — Pp.193-199.

15. Nekrasov, N.A. Complete Works and Letters in 15 books. Books 1-3 / N.A. Nekrasov. — L.: Nauka, 1981-1982.

16. Gasparov, M.L. Ovid in Exile / M.L. Gasparov / / Selected Works in 3 books. Book 2. — Moscow: Languages of Russian Culture, 1997. — Pp. 192-227.

17. Slon, O.V. On the typology ofelegic compositions by Nekrasov / O.V Slon// Vestnic of OSU. — Orenburg, 2004. — №11. — Pp.69-74.

18. Slon, O. V.On one of the composite types of elegies by N.A. Nekrasov / O.V. Slon / / Materials of XXIX. scientific conference. Collection of articles: Ch 13. — Orenburg: OSPU, 2008. Pp. 223-231.

About this article

Author: Slon O.V.

Year: 2010

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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