November 2024, № 4 (244), pages 157-165doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-244-157
Panov A.A. TO THE QUESTION OF PEDAGOGICAL ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC AND SOCIAL PRACTICES IN THE TRAINING OF FUTURE LAWYERSThe acquisition of professionally significant qualities of future lawyers in the educational process of the university is ensured by immersion in various types of activities that model, imitate or implement elements of labor functions in practical situations. Legal activity presupposes a broad communicative context for the manifestation of professional mentality and professional identity in various situations of public life. In this regard, various extracurricular practices from the eventfulness of legal work, social and public life are integrated into the university training of future lawyers. In pedagogical discourse, the concepts of “public practice” and “social practice” are interpreted ambiguously. Terminological uncertainty opens up the possibility of comparing definition options and their critical analysis. Public and social practices are used as synonyms in a number of cases, while differences are also found between them. Classification of types of public and social practices specifies their role in professional development of future lawyers. The classification can be based on such criteria as professional and educational significance, boundaries and subjects of communication, openness and reflexivity, method of variation, and others. In the experience of legal training, professionally oriented, professionally neutral, professionally risky, and professionally destructive public practices are known. Of greatest importance for the pedagogical process of a law school is the establishment of the professional and educational role of a particular practice. Pedagogical research into the role of public and social practices allows us to identify the most significant and productive ones, determine the need and risk of involving a future lawyer in practice, find the optimal degree of student involvement, and establish the interest of the university in developing public and social practices as part of the pedagogical process of legal education.Key words: public practice, social practice, training of future lawyers, communicative context of legal events.
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About this article
Author: Panov A.A.
Year: 2024
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-244-157
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |