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March 2018, № 3 (215), pages 58–65

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-215-58

Sikorskaya G.A., Gamova N.A., Kulish N.V. ABOUT THE PREPARING OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS FOR THE UNIFIED STATE EXAM IN MATHEMATICS ON THE BASIS OF THE PRINCIPLES OF STUDENT-ORIENTED EDUCATIONUniversities are interested in strong applicants, able to harmoniously integrate into the educational environment of the university. USE, as an independent examination of students’ knowledge, requires systematic, competent training, which can be achieved only in the process of systematic, thoughtful work. The inadequacy of the methodology for preparing for the USE is one of the problems facing the school teacher today.
The main role of the teacher in the preparation for the USE is to orient the student to different levels of complexity of the program material. A close relationship between the supply of educational material through personally oriented tasks with value orientations and personal relations to educational and cognitive activity was revealed. Personally oriented tasks are based on the characteristics: the nature of the requirement, the composition of the source data, the way of implementation. The developed basis for the transformation of traditional tasks into personalized ones allows us to find the most optimal methods for solving problems. The trajectories of modeling the personally developing situation through personally oriented tasks on the basis of the structural-component composition of problems with parameters form the ability to analyze, to search for creativity, and to evaluate the result.
At the end of the work done, on the preparation of high school students of the lyceum for the Unified State Exam on mathematics on the basis of personally oriented assignments, the mathematical literacy of the trainees increased sharply, and overall performance was improved. Acknowledgment of the success of the training is consistently high points of the Unified State Exam on mathematics of the lyceum graduates, and, subsequently, high rating indicators of their academic performance at the university.
Key words: unified state examination in mathematics, personally oriented education, personally developing situation, personally oriented tasks, cognitive independence of the trainee, senior pupil, entrant.


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About this article

Authors: Sikorskaya G.A., Gamova N.A., Kulish N.V.

Year: 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-215-58

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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