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March 2018, № 3 (215), pages 21–27

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-215-21

Krapivina M.Yu., Eremina N.V. TEACHING COMMUNICATION IN THE HISTORY OF PEDAGOGICSIn this paper, we present a study of the main theoretical and practical approaches to the problems of teaching communication in different periods of human history. It is shown how pedagogical thought developed and changed depending on the needs of society and man. The main characteristics and properties of the concept of communication are singled out and its role in the series “language — speech — communication” is defined. The dual function of communication, its possibilities in the formation of human communities, the organization of productive interaction is revealed. The author conducted a thorough analysis of the works of authors from different epochs, reflecting the main trends and methods of teaching different forms of communication. The study included such periods as ancient history, antiquity, the era of classicism, the Middle Ages, revival, enlightenment, as well as periods of new and modern history. A comparative analysis of the approaches of Western and Russian scientists is carried out. The significant influence of various forms of communication on the processes of transferring experience between generations is shown, the development of scientific and technical thought, education, interpersonal and production relations is shown. The importance of the problem of teaching communication in the changed conditions of modern society is substantiated and, based on a review of historical pedagogical approaches, a projection on a modern approach to learning communication is made. In particular, the needs of modern students of different countries in obtaining linguistic training and mastering various forms of communication have been studied. The article also shows the essential role of interpersonal communication in the current conditions of development of technical means of virtual, mediated communication.Key words: communication training, interaction, historical retrospective, communication channels, rhetoric, social influence, mentality, communication models, reflection of moral values, technological progress.


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About this article

Authors: Eryomina N.V., Krapivina M.Yu.

Year: 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-215-21

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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