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November 2017, № 12 (212), pages 34–37

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-212-34

Suslov S.V. SEASONAL CHANGES OF CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF WATER RESERVOIRS OF CHANNEL NAMED AFTER MOSCOWEcological and geochemical studies of water protection zones were carried out in the Istra-Zvenigorod physico-geographical region of the Moscow region. It is known that atmospheric precipitation affects the formation of the chemical composition of waters and indicates the degree of geochemical impact. The method of complex landscape-geochemical studies is applied in the work, as a result of which sources of pollution, ways of their migration and accumulation are identified. The dynamics of the chemical composition of waters along different sections of the water reservoirs of the channel of the Moscow Canal is shown. The water quality and the current state of the water protection zones of reservoirs have been studied. Dependence of water quality of reservoirs on the degree of disturbance of landscapes of water protection zones and their anthropogenic disturbance is revealed. It is established that water protection zones protect reservoirs from silting, chemical, bacterial and parasitic pollution. The effectiveness of water protection zones depends on the landscapes of the catchment area. The results of complex landscape-geochemical studies carried out should be taken into account when assessing the state of the quality of natural waters. The author has established that anthropogenically disturbed landscapes of water protection zones do not sufficiently clean the surface runoff, therefore it is necessary to develop and implement a number of measures to optimize the functioning of landscapes.Key words: reservoirs, overgrowing, macrophytes, bottom sediments, water quality, macrophyte ecobiomorphs, landscapes, catchment area, water protection zones.


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About this article

Author: Suslov S.V.

Year: 2017

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-212-34

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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