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November 2017, № 12 (212), pages 30–33

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-212-30

Stefanovich G.S., Valdaiyskikh V.V. SOME ASPECTS OF INTRODUCTION OF GENUS STIPA L. SPECIES UNDER CONDITIONS OF THE MIDDLE URAL Introduction of plants is an important part of botany. One of its many problems are relocation of plant resources into new conditions, their comprehensive study and development in order to replenish or conservation the gene pool of the natural flora of particular region. The insufficiently explored genera in the Middle Urals is the genus Stipa L., which is of interest to botanists, phytodesigners and landscapers. Growth and seasonal development in 16 species and 28 specimens of genus Stipa L. of various geographical origins were studied. The unique biological possibilities of the introduced species were revealed: irrespective of the conditions in native habitats and spreading, most of the specimens were acclimatized in the soil and climatic conditions of the boreal forests. Plants have gone through the main phenological phases, which is the best indicator of the success to introduction. A small development cycle (the number of days from spring regrowth to maturation of seeds) was calculated for each species. This made it possible to assess the rate of growth and physiological processes. In terms of the duration of the small development cycle, the species were divided into groups of fast-, medium- and late-ripening plants. For the first time, the estimation of the real seed productivity has been studied, as one of the important indicators of species adaptation to new native habitats. A high correlation of seed productivity with elements of inflorescence and a weight of seeds from one inflorescence was revealed. A visual assessment of the ornamental qualities of the specimens according to the shape of the bush, the height of the plants, the length and beauty of the inflorescences and feathery flowering spikes, and resistance to fungal diseases has carried out. Introduced species of feather grass under conditions of the Middle Urals showed high adaptive abilities, it have gone through main phenological phases. All specimens are produced seeds. Introduced plants are recommended for used in the landscaping of the cities of the Urals and as ones as specimens for plant breeding.Key words: grasses, introduced species, growth, development, seed productivity, ornamental plants.


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About this article

Authors: Valdayskih V.V., Stefanovich G.S.

Year: 2017

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-212-30

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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