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June 2017, № 7 (207), pages 79-82

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-207-79

Zavaleeva S.M., Vesnina V.V., Chirkova E.N. THE CHANGE IN THE KIDNEY OF RABBIT BREEDS BELGIAN GIANT, IN THE AGE ASPECT (ORYCTOLAGUS CUNICULUS)Currently, a young and promising industry remains rabbit. Interest in the morphology of different breeds of rabbits is associated with the need to explore their potential in the development of more profitable and promising directions in farming. Study the characteristic features of the topography and morphology of the kidneys of rabbits for periods of ontogeny is of particular interest to age anatomy and veterinary practices. Age morphology of the kidneys of rabbits to date, scientific data are insufficient. We studied the breed and age characteristics of the kidneys of rabbits, the Belgian giant. It was revealed that the kidneys of this breed is characterized by preferential growth of the left kidney in the first week from birth, then dominated by the increase the right. The kidneys are in the lumbar region, each convex outwards from the square muscle of the loin, being situated more or less freely in the retroperitoneal space. More freely and maybe a little moves left kidney that is obviously associated with different content related stomach. To the naked eye on the cut clearly visible layers of the kidney: the cortex — dark-brown, covered with small points — malpighiaceae calf. The inner layer of the brain light brown, striated light radial stripes collective tubules and very dark, narrow border. In the rabbit there is a sharp difference between the left and right kidney in the severity of the three zones: in the right kidney they are usually very sharply defined, in the left — weak. The outside of the buds dressed the fibrous sheath, fused to their surface and surrounded by fatty capsule consisting of a white fat. Considerable attention was paid to elucidating the age-related features of rabbit kidneys in connection with their growth and differentiation. In the age of the planet the state of the media, the variability of their forms is noted. The organ index indicates the dependence of the organ size on the age and mass of the animal.Key words: morphology, rabbits, kidneys, postnatal ontogenesis.


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About this article

Authors: Zavaleeva S.M., Vesnina V.V., Chirkova E.N.

Year: 2017

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-207-79

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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