June 2017, № 7 (207), pages 67-73doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-207-67
Bezborodykh V.V., Bezborodov N.V. THE INFLUENCE OF DOMAIN-STRUCTURED MAGNETIC FIELDS AND FEED SUPPLEMENT “AGROMEGA” ON HEMATOLOGICAL PARAMETRES AND REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTION OF SOWSThe researches were conducted in the Belgorod region on the sows of large white + Landrace breed in the winter-spring period. The type of feeding of the sows is concentrated, with specialized feed-stuff SPK-2 mixed with water. The average age of the sows is 2.5 years and the average live weight of the sow is 250 kg. All the sows were apparently healthy. The piglets weaning is carried out on the 21st day. The peripheral blood test was done for laboratory research, the blood was taken from external vena cava of the sows (n=5): the first test on 7th day before the farrow, the 2nd test on the 21st day after the farrow, 12 hour after the piglets weaning, the 3rd test — on the 27th day after the farrow (on the 7th day after piglets weaning). 131 sows have been inspected. The feeding of “Agromega” supplement, that is considered to be the source of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid as the most biologically active omega-3 fatty acids in combination with the influence of domain — structured magnetic fields (DSMF) has a positive effect on the hematological parameters and stimulating effect on the sows reproductive function.The best results of the stimulating of effect of reproductive function and productive parameters of the sows have been shown by the 1st group (Table 5), where the DSMP was used one time (1-5 days) and “Agromega” supplement was fed during 34 days. 100% of the sows have been impregnated in average in 4.2 days after the piglets weaning. After the stimulation followed by the farrow, the productive parameters were also better in the 1st group of sows, where we got 14.3 piglets with the average weight 1.39 kg for 1 one sow. Key words: morpho-biochemical indicators, blood, “Agromega” feed supplement, domain-structured magnetic fields, reproductive function, sows.
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About this article
Authors: Bezborodyh V.V., Bezborodov N.V.
Year: 2017
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-207-67
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |