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June 2017, № 7 (207), pages 57-61

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-207-57

Pavlova A.V. STATIVE INTERPRETATION OF THE WORLD AND KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE WORLD: METHODOLOGICAL BASISGenerally the term “interpretation” is understood as a universal human ability, which, on the one hand, distinguishes a man from natural world, and, on the other hand, influences the development of cognition and its linguistic part mostly. Under the Cognitive Linguistics framework our definition of interpretation is based on the Theory of interpretation worked out by N.N. Boldyrev and consisted in understanding interpretation as linguistic cognitive activity. Its results lead both to forming individual conceptual system (primary interpretation of the world) and construing the reality according to the system of man’s understanding the world and his individual preferences (secondary interpretation of knowledge about the world). From this point of view, primary interpretation of the world in a form of a state is defined as stative interpretation of the world, it leads to forming different stative concepts. Thus, the term “stative interpretation” is methodologically proved, its scientific value is revealed, the necessity of presenting it as a separate object of research as a type of interpretation is demonstrated. State cognitive matrix, which lies in the basis of stative interpretation of the world, stands for a cognitive schema of linguistic interpretation of knowledge about the world in the form of a state. State cognitive schema is formed by “the subject of nonreferential activity” and “stability” (unchangeability during some period of time). State cognitive schema on the linguistic level is represented by verbal existential and possessive correlations, which structure stative interpretative function of linguistic cognition. The object of secondary interpretation of knowledge about the world, i.e. stative interpretation of knowledge about the world, is already verbalized data about the objects and entities of reality, which are fixed in collective linguistic cognition. The result of stative interpretation of knowledge about the world is new, individually perceived, subjectively verbalized states of the world, often of evaluative character. Key words: state, concept, conceptualization, category, categorization, interpretation, stative interpretation of world, stative interpretation of knowledge about the world, interpretative function of language.


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About this article

Author: Pavlova A.V.

Year: 2017

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-207-57

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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