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May 2017, № 6 (206)

Mustafin R.F., Habirov I.K., Sultanova R.R., Rayanov A.R. INFLUENCE OF A RELIEF ON STOCKS OF SNOW COVER AND MOISTURE ON FOREST SOILSThe woods play a large role in water cycle, enrich the atmosphere with oxygen and support balance in the nature, and also the woods carry out the water preserving, protective, antierosion, sanitary and hygienic, improving, recreational functions. Studying of stocks of snow, their definition is to important components of life cycle of the wood. Researches of stocks of snow cover were conducted on the timberland of GU of the Ufa forest area which includes nine local forest areas: Demsky, Pokrovsk, Ufa, Chishminsky, Yumatovsky, New and Troitsk, Blagoveshchensk, Oryol, Blagovarsky statistical, mathematical calculation, and also analysis of references. During the researches snow-measuring shooting has been carried out and the obtained data are processed in geographic information systems. Observations of indicators of height of snow cover on the timberland are presented for 2015–2016 from October to April. Determined height, density and structure of snow cover. Proceeding from the obtained data, have defined the water-supply which is contained in snow cover, for each studied month. Then the summary table by results of field and cameral works has been made. Further, using GIS-technologies, digitization of the topographic map of the timberland and the nearby territory is made, then results of researches are caused on her.Key words: wood, timberland, stock of snow cover, water-supplies, field works, cameral works, GIS-technologies, Ufa district.


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About this article

Authors: Rayanova A.R., Mustafin R.F., Habirov I.K., Sultanova R.R.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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