Akhmedov A.Q., Cheryomushkina V.A., Shomurodov H.F. ONTOGENESIS AND ONTOGENETIC STRUCTURE OF LAGOCHILUS INEBRIANS (LAMIACEAE) COENOPOPULATIONS IN UZBEKISTANOntogenesis of a Central Asian endemic Lagochilus inebrians Bunge and structure of its coenotic populations were studied. It was established that ontogenesis duration in Uzbekistan was not less than 25 years. The ontogenetic spectrum of coenopopulations studied was unimucronate and centric, it corresponded to the typical species spectrum. Individual density in examined coenopopulations ranged from 0.7 to 2.6 individuals per m2. Assessment of age (Δ) and effectiveness (ω) of coenopopulations showed that most of coenopopulations were mature, normal and incomplete. Incompleteness was connected with climate dryness, high temperature and increased anthropogenic impact on vegetation. The most stable growth of coenotic populations was noted with mean values of population and organism characters.Key words: coenopopulation, ontogenesis, ontogenetic structure, Uzbekistan Republic, Lamiaceae, Lagochilus inebrians Bunge.
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About this article
Authors: Ahmedov A.K., Cheryomushkina V.A., Shomurodov H.F.
Year: 2017
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |