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May 2017, № 6 (206)

Yastrebov-Pestritsky M.S. TOPONYM AND GIDRONY KAMCHATKA IN THE METAPHORICAL FIELD OF LYRICS OF I. SELVINSKYThis work is carried out on rich empirical material of the work I.L. Selvinsky. The purpose of the present article — to consider and systematize in field structure a metaphorical system of a poetic sketch of I. L. Selvinsky “A travel across Kamchatka”; to execute statistical calculation of different categories of metaphorical units at the morphological level and, by means of comparison of the received results, to confirm existence of this field structure in the case of the studied work; in a complex to describe a metaphor as accessory of the field having the center and the periphery; to establish connection of system of the metaphorical field as with formation of the studied work, and in general — with the author's style I. L. Selvinsky. For achievement of this multidimensional purpose it is necessary to find out in what measure morphological accessory of metaphorical units of I. L. Selvinsky is a marker, the indicator of style of this work. Advantage of a substantive metaphor indirectly confirms domination of the physical world over other spheres of life. Large number of verbal metaphors highlights dynamism, effectiveness, development of the world of Kamchatka and the person in him. In an adjektivny metaphor are implemented характеризационно — figurative and estimated opportunities of adjectives in the language picture of the world (LPW) of the poet. Adverbs metaphors show commitment of author's style to combinative unpredictability of verbal forms, to a game with the word, to an experiment with meanings. The metaphor in I. L. Selvinsky's creativity hasn't received lighting in linguistic literature. The poetic sketch “A travel across Kamchatka” remained out of sight both writers, and linguists that gives the grounds to consider the performed work absolutely independent and unique.Key words: morphological accessory, individual and author's metaphor, metaphorical field, center, periphery.


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About this article

Author: Yastrebov-Pestritskiy M.S.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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