Matyash S.A. ABOUT TYPOLOGY FUNCTION OF POETIC TRANSFERS (ENJAMBEMENTS) IN THE RUSSIAN POETRYIn big literature on poetic transfers (enjambements) there are a lot of judgments concerning functions of this reception in works of art. However these judgments, as a rule, have the nature of separate observations, and the classifications offered by scientists are based on different criteria. The works devoted to typology of functions of transfers no. In the present article the main approaches to interpretation of semantics of transfers come to light and the typology of their functions based on judgment of works of domestic and foreign stikhoved, and also on own researches of the author is offered. On the basis of rate of transfers three types of functions are allocated: the general (universal), private, exclusive — with the subsequent classification of each type. As a result of consideration of the called functions conclusions that are drawn: 1) all transfers have the general functions (increase in emotionality of the text, logical or emotional allocation of the word/phrase, marking of the graphic/expressive beginning of the word); the general functions have universal character; 2) private functions are peculiar not to all transfers; the criterion of their rate is important, but isn't the only thing; creation of transfers with these or those private functions depends on character of the work (his method, a genre, style, etc.) and identity of the poet; 3) private functions don't conflict to the general: concrete transfer, possessing all three general functions, can perform certain private functions; 4) private functions of transfers in real texts can be combined; 5) the list of private functions isn't exhausted by our list and can be replenished, including due to the spread-around exclusive functions.Key words: prosody, versification, poetic syntax, poetic transfer (enjambement), functions of poetic transfer.
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About this article
Author: Matyash S.A.
Year: 2017
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |