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May 2017, № 6 (206)

Denisov N.V. THE REALIZATION OF COGNITIVE MAP OF A MAN IN THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING MEDIA DISCOURSEThe article deals with such key definitions as anthropocentrism, discourse and media discourse. Anthropocentrism became one of the leading directions of linguistic researches at a turn of 20–21 centuries. Most of anthropologists unanimously distinguish two most fundamental from all aspects of cultural heritage: instruments of labour and speech. It is important to understand that language is in close connection with the person, his consciousness, activity. The person plays a major role in the course of generation and perception of the speech. The paper is also devoted to the research of such phenomena as concept and cognitive map and their distinction. The modern linguistics participates in knowledge of a conceptual picture of the world and the principles of the description of its separate fragments. Despite the fact that the definition “concept” is rather widespread, it still has no clear interpretation. The author examines the influence of the English media discourse and author’s assessment on forming the cognitive map. The author comes to a conclusion that within a media discourse to the forefront there is such component of the cognitive map of the person as mental abilities. It is necessary to mention that the journalist expresses the relation by means of expression of an explicit assessment in the article.Key words: anthropocentrism; discourse; media discourse; cognitive map; concept, author’s assessment.


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About this article

Author: Denisov N.V.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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