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May 2017, № 6 (206)

Petrovа S.D. PEDAGOGICAL POTENTIAL OF HEURISTIC TASKS IN FORMATION OF TECHNICAL COMPETENCE FUTURE TRAINING OFFICER Development of the industry and requirement of economic growth of the national economy put a problem of increase in level of technical competence of future training officers before professional education that found reflection in new normative documents — the Professional standard “Teacher of Professional Education” and FGOS SPO “Vocational education”. Graduates of this specialty provide training of workers and experts of an average link in technical schools, colleges, the centers of applied qualifications, in training centers. The considerable share of professional activity substitutes itself the solution of the technical tasks containing heuristics elements that causes their development in educational process. On the basis of the analysis of the concepts “technical competence”, comparison of competences and labor functions of training officers was the hypothesis of use of heuristic tasks as effective pedagogical remedy of formation of technical competence of future training officer is made. In this context, heuristic tasks are a form of representation of a training material in the form of a task in which technical terminology is used. Data and conditions are submitted is incomplete or superfluous. They describe a problem situation of development of technology. The operator focuses on the solution of a technical contradiction. The way of the decision is based on methods of technical creativity and heuristics. Process of the decision demands independent, search forms of educational and creative activity in the sphere of the equipment; the result of the decision is development of a technical object, new to the student or engineering procedure and is focused on practical application in education or production. The main functions of heuristic tasks are revealed. Their pedagogical potential is determined. Components of technical competence — knowledge, abilities, experience, the relations and an assessment are installed. The made experiment on use of a complex of heuristic tasks in the conditions of college showed that the level of technical competence of experimental groups grew in comparison with control groups by 11–12.2 % on an integrated indicator. That proves legitimacy of the choice of heuristic tasks and adequacy of an assessment of their potential in formation of technical competence. Key words: technical competence, master of inservice training, heuristic tasks, pedagogical potential, “idea man-laboratory of support” microgroup, competence, labor function.


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About this article

Author: Petrova S.D.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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