Glukhovskaya M.Y. ANALYSIS OF ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY AND REGIONAL TERRITORY STABILITY ON THE EXAMPLE OF ORENBURG REGIONAbstract. Justification of ecosystem sustainability and its ecological stability is one of the urgent problems of our time the solution of which will allow us to develop methods of environmentally safe and harmonious development of the region. Definition of ecosystem sustainability is based on the ratio of territories under the elements of favorable and negative impacts. The heterogeneity of the influence and the ecological significance of each biotechnical element are taken into account in the determining of the stability. The assessment of these parameters is based on the landscape elements identification and their subdivision into predetermined categories in accordance with the structural distribution of the land fund. The main categories include forest, agricultural, settlements, industrial, natural conservation, stock and water lands. Their share on the territory of Orenburg region is 88.5, 5.2, 3.2, 2.1, 0.6, 0.25, 0.15 % respectively. Agricultural land is divided into arable land (55.9 %), fodder land (43.5 %), perennial plantations (0.6 %). Analysis of land distribution allowed us to define time area changes of separate categories and the degree of influence on environment sustainability and territory stability. The maximum stability value is 0.79 when the optimum is at least 1. The stability coefficient is 0.36 and it is 29.5 % below the minimum rate. A number of discrepancies has been identified in the relation to maximum ecological parameters: a large area of agricultural lands (88.5 % with the rate for the steppe zone 60–65 % and optimum 40 %), a high level of plowing (more than 50 % at the rate 40–45 %), extremely low part of the forest fund (5.16 % at the rate 10–15 % and the optimum 15–20 %) and a shortage of natural systems in area land composition in general (SPNT 0.19–0.64 %). The obtained results indicate the violation of ecological system sustainability limit and low level territory stability. The solution of the problem is the introduction of environmental zoning system that makes possible to differentiate the approach to load reduction on the Orenburg region land fund.Key words: land fund, land fund structure, ecological sustainability, ecological stability, maximum permissible environmental loads.
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About this article
Author: Gluhovskaya M.Yu.
Year: 2017
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |