Afanasyeva E.A. STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONALITY OF EXPLETIVE CONSTRUCTIONS IN N.M.šKARAMZIN'S POETRYN.M.šKaramzin well known as sentimentalism and new style's founder in Russia, is a reformer of Russian syntax. Yet such a syntactic phenomenon as expletive constructions has been never studied. The article analyses syntactic inserts in terms of their frequency, structure and functionality. The author considers in her research of EC the specificity of poetic style and examines their size and structure in view of verse line. The study is based on the edition: KaramzinšN.M.Complete works in 18švolumes. Vol.š14: Poems and verse translations. Prose of 1780'sš— the beginning of the 1790's. Comp. and ed. A.šKuznetsov. M.š: Terraš— Knizhy club, 2005.š— 432š p. 144špoems by Karamzinš— written in 1787—1825š— are examined in the study. The researcher reveals 46šexpletives constructions in 43špoems. As a backdrop the verses of Karamzin's precursors (M.V.šLomonosov and A.P.šSumarokov) and contemporaries (M.N.šMuravyev and I.I.šDmitriev) are considered. While analyzing the structure the author determines the EC's size, its position in a verse line and correspondence of inserts and rhyme. The functional analysis defines general and special functions. General functions serve as a marker of supplementary information; they create ironic effect. Among special functions the researcher distinguishes functions of remark, of words' explanation and clarification, of appeal to the reader, of landscape sketch, and others. The undertaken study of frequency, structure and functions of Karamzin's expletive constructions, projected on the background, shows that the poet as well as his contemporaries (M.N.šMuravyev and I.I.šDmitriev) by using EC in colloquial genres (e.šg. in fable), takes into account the experience of his predecessors (A.P.šSumarokov). At the same time he expands the genre palette of inserts (odes, messages, multiple extra genre works). Karamzin's expletive constructions are various by their structure and their interaction with poem's components. These observations make it possible to show a new perspective of N.M.šKaramzin'spoetic technique.Key words: N.M. Karamzin, prosody, rhyme, syntax, expletive constructions, expletive constructions' functions.
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About this article
Author: Afanasyeva E.A.
Year: 2016
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |