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August 2016, № 8 (196)

Basyrova G.А. METHODS OF FORMING AND TYPES OF REPEATS IN BASHKIR SPEAKINGAny Bashkir monosyllabic root word, with only a few exceptions, is capable of one or more types of doubling. Within different parts of speech repetitions are varied in their formation and differ from each other in their meanings. Until today repetitions have been considered as a kind of compound words; as one syntactic category. The main reason is the lack of study of word repetitions, pair words and formal attitude to the structure of words in the Bashkir language. It is the first time an article has unravelled words formed by the method of doubling that express such meanings as plurality, repetition, increase in volume, increased intensity and duration of an action on the basis of the Bashkir language. According to the structure, repetitions are divided into two types: full (absolute) and partial (reduced) repetitions. As for their place in a sentence, simple repetitions, anaphora and epiphora are distinguished. Repetitions differ from compound words in their semantic and stylistic function and serve as a separate syntactic construction. They strengthen emotionality of colloquial speech, help to show enhancement of an action, psychological state, man's internal experience.Key words: repetition, an epifor, an anaphora, informal conversation, absolute, reduced, full, not full.


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About this article

Author: Basyrova G.A.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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