Krysko V.G., Tuaeva K.G. CULTURAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF OSSETIAN NATIONAL CHARACTERIn our study we proceed from the generally accepted definition of national character, according to which it is historically formed stable set of psychological traits of the nation, determining the habitual manner of behavior and typical lifestyle of people, their attitude to work, to other people, to their culture.The national character intertwined the elements of consciousness, ideology, moral culture, behavior and social psychology. The attitude to the environment characterizes the focus of national consciousness of people. The features of this group of national character are such as conservatism, religion, optimism, pessimism, etc. Our study of evaluating of the national character of growing up representatives of the Ossetian ethnos, namely teenagers and young men, gave the idea of the differences in orientation to the native culture from different generations. Modern teenagers, living on the territory of Vladikavkaz, are more focused on their own culture, on knowledge and respect of national traditions, customs, on development of their native language than the Ossetian young people. Also, significant differences were found among adolescents and seniors in their assessments of personal traits of the Ossetians: the seniors suppose that the Ossetians are more hospitable than friendly. The adolescents think on the contrary. The seniors characterize the Ossetians, first of all, as patriots, courageous, brave, gentle and good people, respected their elders. The teenagers also add intelligence and honesty to kindness and courage in their representation of the Ossetian people. Also, among the seniors such qualities of the Ossetians were mentioned as pride, hardworking, integrity, dedication, generosity, hospitality, perseverance. Among the teenagers the Ossetians are considered to be supporting each other, modest and strong people. At the same time among socially unacceptable qualities of the Ossetians, the seniors named arrogance, short temper and aggressiveness. The teenagers mentioned laziness, irritability, bragging. Thus, it appears that the views of the younger generation in evaluating of the national character of a typical representative of the Ossetian ethnic group are in general similar, but there are also some significant differences.Key words: ethnopsychological investigation. forms and directions of cultural development, ethnos, culture, traditionalism, autostereotypes, national traditions, national character, differences in national psyhology of yuong ossetians.
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About this article
Authors: Krysko V.G., Tuaeva K.G.
Year: 2016
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |