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2015, № 12 (187)

Stebnev V.S., Stebnev S.D., Malov V.M. SYMPTOMATIC VITREO-MACULAR ADHESIONCOMPLICATED BY TRACTIONALMACULOPATYVitreomacular adhesion (VMA) may be asymptomatic not causing patients or decrease in visual acuity, nor any complaints. With the development of symptomatic VMA (sVMA) increasing traction from the vitreous leads to anatomical vitreomacular interface disorders. Depending on the length and severity of sVMA, from the direction and power of the vector forces vitreomacular traction, sVMA can lead to the development of different clinical forms of lesions of the macular area, including the traction maculopathy. The role of symptomatic vitreo-macular adhesion in the formation of the traction maculopathy studied. Using optical coherence tomography, the peculiarities of fixation and extent symptomatic of vitreo-macular adhesion, especially changes in the external and internal layers of the retina. In the study of 185 patients with sVMA complicated by traction maculopathy, we studied the nature of fixation and linear extent of adhesion of the vitreous body. In 137 patients (74 %) revealed the length of sVMA less than 500 microns. The linear length of sVMA from 500 to 1500 microns was observed in 18 patients. The length of sVMA more than 1 500 microns was diagnosed in 30 patients. The analysis of the nature of intraretinal changes in the combination of symptomatic of vitreo-macular adhesion and vitreo-papillary adhesion. Thus, our studies allowed us to identify three groups of vitreo-macular adhesion of different morphological configurations and linear length. The features determined the character of changes in the macular profile, characteristics and timing of the development of changes in the retinal macular area.Key words: vitreo-macular adhesion, symptomatic vitreo-macular adhesion, traction maculopaty, vitreo-papillary adhesion, optical coherence tomography.


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About this article

Authors: Stebnev V.S., Stebnev S.D., Malov V.M.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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