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2015, № 12 (187)

Stanishevskaya O.M., Tonkopii V.O. THE USE OF SUBTHRESHOLD MICROPULSE LASER EXPOSURE USING YELLOW 577НМ DIODE LASER ("QUANTEL MEDICAL") IN THE TREATMENT OF POST-THROMBOTIC EDEMA MACULOPATHYEvaluating the effectiveness of subthreshold laser effects using the yellow diode laser 577 nm ("Quantel medical") in the treatment of edema maculopathy in the post-thrombotic retinopathy.It were examined 14 eyes of 13 patients. The exposure radiation and its duty cycle (duty factor) were chosen individually for each patient depending on the height and the degree of swelling of the fundus pigmentation. The findings were evaluated before and after the laser intervention in 1.5 months after treatment. Visual acuity before treatment averaged 0.37 with correction, after treatment with an average of 0.46 with correction, the height of macular edema treatment amounted to an average of 431 nm, after treatment with an average of 310 nm. All patients in the group noted subjective improvement in visual function. The findings suggest that the subthreshold laser effects Micropulse using the yellow diode laser 577 nm ("Quantel medical") a single application is effective and safe procedure in the treatment of cystic non-tractional macular edema at post-thrombotic retinopathy.Key words: sub-threshold microimpulse laser effects, post-thrombotic retinopathy, macular edema in the post-thrombotic maculopathy, micropulses.


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About this article

Authors: Tonkopiy O.V., Stanishevskaya O.M.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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