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2015, № 12 (187)

Nikiforova E.B. THE CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF DYNAMICS OF EYE INCIDENCE, DISABILITY AND THE STATIONARY OPHTHALMOLOGICAL HELP TO THE POPULATION OF THE SAMARA REGION DURING 2010–2014 YEARSStatistical information of ocular morbidity, disability and prevalence determines the needs of the population in the eye care, which in turn is the basis of a network of ophthalmic offices, divisions, centers. The efficiency of use of hospital beds, the analysis of the organization of eye care in the outpatient level, the research of state of ophthalmologists allow you to adjust and optimize the organization of ophthalmic services in order to increase the availability of and satisfaction with public provision of eye care. There is the growth of ocular morbidity annually In the Samara region on during the reporting period, the growth was 9.8 %. The main role in this process was played by diseases such as cataract, glaucoma, retinal disease, disorders of refraction. In accordance with national trends in the structure of eye disability leading positions belong to glaucoma, degenerative myopia and diseases of the retina. At the same time the number of ophthalmologists of polyclinic decreased, accordingly the number of visits of ophthalmologist decreased also. Such discrepancy between the needs of the population in ophthalmological help and the actual delivery may cause a decrease the availability of ophthalmological help and, therefore, the growth of social tension in society. The clinical epidemiological analysis of dynamics of eye incidence during 2010-2014 years allowed to identify growth ophthalmological pathology of the population of the Samara region, primarily due to cataract, glaucoma, retinal diseases. The statistical indicators of stationary ophthalmological help in the Samara region improve annually. From year to year the number of patients treated in specialized ophthalmologic hospitals, in 5 years the number has increased by 32.5 %. The number of eye operations increased of 44.6 % at the same time. Modern technologies of surgical treatment of ophthalmological patients allow most of these patients to treat of hospital-replacement technology, which leads to significant reduction in bed-days and turnover of ophthalmological beds. Clinical and epidemiological analysis helped to develop a regional target program on improvement of ophthalmologic aid to the population of the Samara region and to identify the main activities to optimize the organization of the ophthalmological help to the population of the Samara region in order to improve its accessibility and quality.Key words: ophthalmological incidence, eye disablement, stationary ophthalmological help, cataract surgery rate, cataract, glaucoma, eye operation, middle duration of treatment, middle bed occupancy, middle bed turnover.


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About this article

Author: Nikiforova E.B.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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