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2015, № 12 (187)

Milyudin E.S., Nikolaeva G.A., Milyudin A.E. CLINICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS RETROKORNEAL MEMBRANESA frequent cause of intra operative complications in repeat Keratoplasty is a need for reconstruction of the anterior chamber and excision retrokorneal fibrous growths. In this connection it is essential determining the type and nature of retrokorneal membranes. The goal of this study — to study the morphological structure retrokorneal growths in patients operated again on the pathological changes of the cornea. Observed 30 patients with vascular leukomas 4–5 category by classification Filatov — Bushmich who underwent re-keratoplasty. From remote systems during operation of the corneal disk retrokorneal membrane prepared histological sections that were stained by the method of Van Gieson and examined using a light microscope. In all patients during surgery removed retrokorneal membrane. Fibrotic growths in the anterior chamber or limited imperforate of the pupil — 4 patients (13 %) or were tougher membranes — in 26 patients (87 %). As a result of the morphological study excised corneas from membranes retrokorneal we identified three types. The first type retrokorneal membrane was represented as exfoliated Descemet's membrane, with a small number of endothelial cells. The second type retrokorneal membranes, characterized by a corneal epithelial ingrowth of scar or proliferation of endothelial. For the third type retrokorneal membrane characterized by loose connective tissue fibers, welded either iris or cornea, excessive growth of newly formed blood vessels, lymphocytic infiltration. Traumatic and long-existing inflammatory processes are the main causes of retrokorneal fibrin formations. The degree of severity and duration of inflammation are the determining factors for the development of one of three types retrokorneal membran.Key words: re-keratoplasty, retrokorneal membrane morphological study.


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About this article

Authors: Milyudin E.S., Nikolaeva G.A., Milyudin A.E.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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