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2015, № 12 (187)

Babushkin A.E., Orenburkina O.I., Matyukhina E.N. MONITORING OF PRIMARY OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA PROGRESSION ON THE BACKGROUND OF MONO- AND COMBINED ANTIHYPERTENSIVE THERAPYPurpose of the study is to assess comparatively the frequency of primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) progression along with prolonged mono- and combined antihypertensive therapy at regular medical check-up of patients. It was performed a retrospective analysis of out-patient medical records in 85 patients (165 eyes) with POAG stage I–III compensated within average rate of intraocular pressure (IOP), which were followed for 5–7 years. Of these, 64 patients (124 eyes) received topical antihypertensive treatment in the form of instillations with only non-selective beta-blocker timolol 0.5 % and 21 patients (41 eyes) — non-fixed combination therapy (20 eyes — timolol in combination with cholinomimetic pilocarpine and in 21 eyes — timolol with prostaglandins, mainly xalatan). Progression of the disease was defined by the state of vision fields (kinetic perimetry) and optic disc (ophthalmoscopy). The analysis showed that the POAG progression against the IOP compensated within average rate in patients treated with non-selective beta-blocker timolol was observed in 1.3 times more frequently than in patients treated with non-fixed combination therapy — β-blockers with prostaglandin drugs or cholinomimetics (62.1 % vs 46.3 %). Thus destabilization of the disease while using a combination of timolol with drugs of prostaglandin series was marked by almost 2 times less than at combination with pilocarpine (33.3 % vs 60.0 %). The combination therapy using prostaglandin drugs that can reduce the incidence of POAG progression must be much more widely and actively used as the initial treatment of primary open angle glaucoma.Key words: primary open-angle glaucoma, disease progression, mono- and combined hypotensive therapy, prostaglandins, cholinomimetics, β-adrenoreceptor blocking agents.


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About this article

Authors: Matyuhina E.N., Babushkin A.E., Orenburkina O.I.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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