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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Shagdarova B.B. THE FORMATION OF CABLE TELEVISION IN THE SYSTEM OF REGIONAL MEDIA IN THE EARLY TWENTY-FIRST CENTURYIn the beginning of XXI century in Russia and its regions, non-state TV channels have become popular and in demand. In terms of virtualization and digitalization of the media environment and the growing competition from premium cable channels terrestrial and satellite TV channels are forced to review their own content, the concept of broadcasting and interacting with the audience. The development of the new features of the modern Russian television is associated with the development and expansion of forms, means and methods of reflection of reality through a wide range of interactive communication channels, including cable television. Cable TV refers to paid channels, as close to the consumer, attractive for its outreach and educational projects. In the field of cable television mastered the latest achievements of computer simulation and there are already computer programs such as TV Designer v. 5.7, allowing to provide cable TV and Internet large audience in the shortest possible time and with high quality. To such popular cable television channels is ATV — so-called first alternative TV in the Republic of Buryatia, which is broadcasting full from 2013 in the format of cable television, in digital format, as well as on social platform VK. TV audience impressed by the young journalists, "agenda" news, information and analytical programmes, a thematic focus in which the life and problems of the residents of the capital of the Republic. The basis for programming laid by the priority information and entertainment blocks. TV channel ATV seeks to implement a model of truly national TV channel, which is closest to your viewer, knows their needs and interests.Key words: Кey words: cable TV, TV viewing, television news, interactivity, information security, specifics of telecasting.


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About this article

Author: Shagdarova B.B.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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