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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Temkina V.L., Sadomskaya N.D., Lashtabova N.D. IMPERIAL GOTHIC IN "KIM" BY R. KIPLINGThe genres of English colonial literature of XIX–XX centuries are usually studied following the theory of P. Brantlinger and G.V. Zalomkina, in the context of the Gothic tradition history and evolution of the adventure novel. Connections of East and West, stemming from politics, philosophy, mysticism, followed in literature, giving rise to numerous examples of the genre of Imperial Gothic. Certain themes, motifs, mythological modes, characterology, can be attributed to the work of this genre. "Kim" by R. Kipling belongs to English colonial literature. Following the contemporary research works (by P. Brantlinger and G.V. Zalomkina) the genre of the novel remains unclear, because the novel has not been classified. As a result of the study the following genre characteristics have been identified in R. Kipling's novel "Kim": the theme of connections between the UK and India (the metropolis and the colony); imperial space topos is described as a closed, impenetrable to the conqueror. The motif of a treasure hunt (information is regarded as treasure) and the related reasons for using unusual techniques (prayer beads and a compass). Men "team" in the novel "Kim" is small. The image of the protagonist — Kim — was made in full accordance with the canons of Imperial Gothic. In the novel, a scheduled motive relations between an Englishman and an Indian woman (Kim's parents), and that the motive has not been properly developed. All this, as well as the principles of characterization, leads to the conclusion that the claimed novel is set within the genre of Imperial Gothic. Having analyzed the results of the study, we can conclude that the novel "Kim" by R. Kipling belongs to the genre of imperial gothic, depicting all the necessary components of the genre.Key words: Imperial Gothic, imperial space topos, the English adventure literature, genre characteristics, treasure hunt motive, adventures of the men's team.


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5. Brantlinger, P. Rule of Darkness: British Literature an Imperialism, 1830-1914 / P. Brantlinger. — Ithaca; London: Cornell University Press, 1990. — 309 p.

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7. Botting, F. The Gothic Essays and Studies. English Association / F. Botting. — Cambridge, 2001. — 190 p.

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10. Blavatsky, E.P. Isis Unveiled: the Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Theosophy / E.P. Blavatsky. — Moscow: Eksmo, 2009. — 880 p.

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13. Cairns, D. Writing Ireland: Colonialism, Nationalism and Culture / D. Cairns, S. Richards. — Manchester University Press, 1988. — 281 p.

14. Veselovsky, A.N. Poetics Scenes (1897-1903) / A.N. Veselovsky // Historical Poetics. — Moscow, "High School", 1989. — 404 p.

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About this article

Authors: Lashtabova N.V., Temkina V.L., Sadomskaya N.D.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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