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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Ryabukha A.G. TO THE PROBLEM OF PERIGLACIAL RELIEF ON-SITE ORENBURG REGIONAccording to the latest paleogeographic evidence in the Orenburg region in the Upper Pleistocene was a part of an extensive periglacial giperzonu with continuous permafrost capacity of up to 200–400 m, the temperature of rocks from –3 to –5 °C and the domination of the cryo-xerotic conditions. To the greatest extent in the periglacial giperzone we have developed cryogenic, talus and aeolian processes and their correlative forms of relief. In the transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene, around 10 thousand. Years ago, the permafrost is very fast (for 1000–1500 years) degraded, leaving a crack-wedge polygons, tapered structure cryoturbation, thermokarst depressions, have fallen into a relict state. Analysis of satellite images (Google Earth), supported by the materials of geological, geomorphological and landscape shooting, showed widespread in the Orenburg region relict landforms formed in the Pleistocene periglacial conditions. These forms of relief are not always visible on the ground, but a good read on satellite images. Among them are the development of a wide continental dunes relic thermokarst lake complex microforms relief due to the influence of the geological substrate on permafrost — block-poly, hilly, depressions, complex nival relief forms — circuses, niches, trays, etc. The article analyzes the characteristics of periglacial relief formation in the Orenburg region. We consider the relic form of aeolian, cryogenic, nival and thermokarst relief.Key words: periglacial, aeolian processes, continental dunes, thermokarst, polygonal terrain, steppe depressions.


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About this article

Author: Ryabuha A.G.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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