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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Vorobyev A.E., Orcuhaeva Z.Sh., Alferova N.N. HYDROLOGICAL FEATURES OF CHANNEL DEFORMATIONS OF MOUNTAIN RIVERS (FOR TEREK RIVER EXAMPLE)This article deals with the problems of channel deformations in the lower reaches of the Terek river. The studies the authors reviewed the historical aspects of formation of strain bank of the Terek, which were the result of floods in the flood period. Also, the authors paid attention to change the channel and the bottom of the Terek river a result of increased sediment load. The processes and causes manifestations of vertical and horizontal deformation of the river bed. Identifies and describes the characteristics of sediment yield increase due to lower transport capacity of flow caused by abstraction of water in irrigation and water channels, which corresponds to the emergence of targeted accumulation in river delta watercourses, reduced cross-sectional area between the flood protection dikes, increase the likelihood of flooding. Considerable attention is paid to the average annual consumption of suspended sediment in the river section from the top of the delta to the station. Kargalinskaya. Particular attention is paid to the deformation of the longitudinal profile of the river bed below Kargaly waterworks. The article examines the processes of regressive erosion of the banks, which led to a decrease in cross-sectional area of the river, and led to an increase in the area of flooded land. The article also examined the characteristic vibrations of the Caspian Sea and the cause of the Delta in the lower reaches of the Terek river. As a research task has been defined by the authors attempt to assess the features of channel deformations of mountain rivers, and the conclusion on this issue.Key words: Terek river, coastal erosion, channel deformations, waterways.


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About this article

Authors: Ortsuhaeva Z.Sh., Vorobyev A.E., Alferova N.N.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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